Our innovation project focused on creating a small, inexpensive tool that can help identify and count the number of invasive specicies throughout the Great Lakes. Through working on our project we learned that there are lots of people working to keep the Great Lakes clean too.
We interviewed Mr. White from the USGS, a local expert reseacher that studies the round goby. The USGS is just one of the many organizations working to keep the Great Lakes clean.
Check out our list of organizations that are helping too.
Photo provided by Mr. Andrew White, USGS published on Down-looking Images of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) to Support Automated Biomass Estimation
There are so many amazing groups working to keep the Great Lakes clean. This is only a small listing of few of them.
Keep reading on to learn how you can help!
There are lots of ways to keep the Great Lakes clean. There are also lots of people working very hard to keep it clean. Together we can make a difference.
Please check out the 'Ways to Help' page to find out how you can help.
Photo by Laura Baker on Unsplash